Nantao Zhang (张南涛)
Graduate Student at Yau Mathematical Science Center, Tsinghua University
Supervised by Will Donovan
Email: znt21 (at)
- 2021.09-now, PhD student, Mathematics, Tsinghua University, Supervisor: Will Donovan
- 2017.09-2021.06, Bachelor, Biology, Tsinghua University
Current and Future Activities
No more this semester.
Research Interest
My research interest lies in algebraic geometry and mathematical physics around derived category of coherent sheaves, including (homological) mirror symmetry, Donaldson-Thomas type invariants, Bridgeland stability, Hodge theory and quantum cohomology.
Currently, I’m interested in Bridgeland stability and semiorthogonal decomposition.
- I use Zenith John as Nickname, because of similar spelling of ZeNiTh and Zhang NanTao, and similar pronunciation of Zhang(张) in Chinese and John in English.
- I was born in Ningbo, Zhejiang, China.
- The picture on the home page is from the slides of Andrei Okounkov on ICM 2018.
- The photo was taken at 2021.06 before old Tsinghua library.